Special Talk Session with Prof. Arturo Escobar
‘Encountering Development’ Revisited: In Search of Pluriversal Transitions
Date and time: Saturday 4th June, 2022 10: 00~12: 00A.M. (JST) Zoom Online
日時:2022年6月4日, 10時~12時(日本時間)Zoom オンライン
Language: English (Interpretation not available) 言語:英語 / 通訳なし
Advance registration is requested by the following URL (Registration will be closed on 3rd June, at 15:00)
Guest speaker: Prof. Arturo Escobar
(Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Discussant: Dr. Yoshihiro Nakano (Rikkyo University)
Translator’s comment: Prof. Shu Kitano (Dokkyo University)
The modernist project of development after the Second World War imposed a onesided view of the world, reducing diverse cultural realities to an abstract market principle and thus causing loss of cultural autonomy, environmental destruction, climate change and social exclusion. Encountering Development (1995), arguably Arturo Escobar’s most influential book, provides systematic analysis of development discourses and governmentality in Latin America and explores a new era of ‘post development’ that can be gleaned from pluriversal local practices. 25 years after its first appearance in English, the Japanese edition was finally published thanks to Shu Kitano’s translation. As the era of pandemic accelerates multiple socio-economic crises, this book opens a space of critical reflections on modernity, development, and globalization.
This special talk session invites Dr. Arturo Escobar to present the main argument of the book. The session also discusses the meaning of life, development, and happiness in the time of the pandemic, reflecting the situations of Colombia, US, Europe or Japan.
同志社大学ラテンアメリカ研究所 (Latin American Studies Center) および
上智大学グローバル・コンサーン研究所 (Institute of Global Concern:IGC)
お問合せ先:IGC: i-glocon [at] sophia.ac.jp
For query, please contact IGC: i-glocon [at] sophia.ac.jp